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14 Unique Productive Things to Do That Can Save You Money

It’s a given: when you go out, you’re going to spend money. In fact, the argument can be made that everytime you go anywhere, you’re spending money. Don’t beat yourself up about it, though. This is a very common, and VERY American problem.

Services offering discounts that only last for a limited time. Those smells wafting from that ice cream shop or pizza parlor. When it comes to keeping your money in your purse while out and about, you don’t stand a chance. But it doesn’t have to stay this way. You just have to change the way you look at money and its relationship with the time you use.

In fact, there is a way to be both productive and save money while you do so. Several ways, actually. Time is precious because there is only so much of it in a day where you have to juggle things that need to be done with things you want to do. If you can use that same time to plan ahead and save for tomorrow, or to spend less and/or avoid spending all together, that is time well spent.

There are loads of productive things to do that can help you save. Productivity, combined with imagination and foresight, can be an amazing tool to get you out of old spending habits. Here is an entire list of things you can do, or at least consider, to get the most out of your day without paying extra for it.

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Productive Things to Do

1. Netflix and Chill

You’re already paying for the subscription anyway. Unless you’re bumming someone else’s subscription. Binge watching that latest season of Black Mirror means you aren’t blowing your money on a trip to the movies where you have to take out a personal loan just to be able to afford the snacks from their concession stand.

2. Do What You Should Have Done By Now

Productivity inspiration doesn’t come easy when you have a habit of procrastinating. Luckily, there are all kinds of things you could be, and should be doing with your time that you probably aren’t because you’ve been putting it off. I’m sure you know what that is.

3. Spring cleaning, even if it’s not Spring.

You were eventually going to do it. You’ve probably been planning in your head exactly how to tackle it for months now. Go on. Give those walls a scrub, clean out that pantry. You know you want to.

4. Cut your own hair.

This may seem like a pretty extreme and terrifying task, but anything rewarding is worth sweating bullets over. This will save you from spending money at the salon, a drive to the salon, and you’ll be learning to do something you may not have had the courage to do before you tried it.

5. Clean the inside of your car.

One of the more productive things to do with your time and something that you have probably been looking for an opportunity to do. Give that car some real tender love and care. All of those little pebbles you’ve been collecting that reside under your car mat are just screaming for a vacuum to take them away.

6. Have a look at your finances.

This is where your productivity can literally pay off. Using your spare time to budget, allocate funds for bills, and putting some money aside is an excellent use of your time, no matter your situation. In fact, this should have been number one on this list.

7. Go hiking.

If you’re fortunate enough to live in a scenic part of the country, there are hiking trails somewhere. Walking in nature gives you time to get off of the wheel for a moment and be in tune with your surroundings. It is soothing for the soul and for the mind and can be a great source of productivity inspiration. If you walk, you think.

8. Donate to a thrift store.

This is literally the opposite of using your time to spend money. Doing charitable things is also a good way to increase the oxytocin hormone in your brain that promote feelings of love, bonding, and well-being. Some would say this is a lot more valuable than cold, hard cash.

9. Take a picture every hour.

This one can really put things in perspective, too. A nice distraction and a project that you can also use as an ice-breaker at parties. And you can use your cell phone to do it, if you want.

10. Write letters.

Write actual letters. Letters with pen and paper. How long has it been since you’ve done that? Probably too long. Your grandmother is waiting to hear from you.

11. Try out a new recipe.

Not only does this mean that you will be exercising your mind because you’re trying something new, but you’re cooking instead of going out to eat and spending money you don’t have to spend. If it’s a hit at the dinner table, this means repeated nights of not having to go out. More money left in your pocket and not being thrown away.

12. Meditate on it.

Try some meditation, at least 20 minutes of it. Become aware of your body and its environment through your breathing. Through meditation, everything that has been at the back of your mind can be let go. Doing this daily is a good way to help you break any habit.

13. Have a little chat with your child.

Your kid loves this more than they may let on. Find out what’s going on in their world; tell them what’s going on in yours. This may be one of the easiest ways to spend time without having to spend money. And what’s a better way to spend your spare time? Name one.

14. Go on a bike ride.

This is a fun leisure activity and just plain good exercise. If you live near the city and love a good thrill, you can take advantage of the many bike paths in the town, as well. It costs nothing.


That was only a handful of things to do that are productive and don’t include spending a dime. As long as you’re making good use of your time and focusing on all of the things we typically ignore or avoid, you aren’t spending money. And if you aren’t spending money, you’re making very good use of your time.

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Productivity methods are what I need! Your Daily Planner is the best! Thanks so much!
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